EDUC60 - nov 2 - lecture notes
Ideas about teaching:
- Pedagogical content knowledge
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Teacher as facilitator
- Teacher learning
- Teacher learning communities
Community of practices
- Common ways of doing things, common structure of teaching
Quick review
Behaviorism and teaching
- a response to a stimulus is enforced
- vs teaching - positive and negative reinforcement techniques
- teacher is guide or facilitator
- work that ZPD!
- research what students know
- hands-on problem solving
- open-ended questions
Community of practice
- shared language and practices
- establish, promote and understand student communities
- provide scaffolding/mentoring
- scaffolding = diagnosing of ZPD; hinting, leading question based on what student already knows
- the best assessment occurs in the practice
Pedagogical knowledge
- of subject matter
- of students' understanding
- of curricula
- of general pedagogy
Content knowledge
- of subjects
- of relationships among subjects
- of methods of acquiring and applying knowledge
Culturally responsive teaching
- who are my students? where do they live? what are typical parental occupations? what "funds of knowledge" are family members able to share
- funds of knowledge = intersting important ideas that individual haves which are not parts of school
- build outside knowledge into curriculum, goes back to knowing how people learn
Teacher as facilitator vs didactic
- having students contribute from their own experiences
- involves some kind of egalitarian effort
"Teaching for understanding" paper, by Perkins
- Make learning a long-term, thinking-centered process
- Provide rich ongoing assesment
- Support learning with powerful representations
- Pay heed to developmental factors
- Induct students into the discipline
- e.g. think like historians
- Teach for transfer
- e.g. use information in more than one setting
We all need to be reflective, lifelong learners.
Teacher learning communities
- Mutual Support
- Shared Focus
- Individual Investigations of Topics of Interest
- Discussion of Selected Reading
- Conference Presentations and writing for Publication
Oakes critical against "let's fix teaching" mentality. She is arguing about offering opportunity and making social justice a reality rather than "fixing" and "improving."
encourage students to ask
- whose interest is being served?
- whose interest is being ignored?
think about this whenever you are asked to do something (e.g. in class)
Essay prompt:
"Provide arguments to make a case either for or against large lecture format teaching (a forced dichotomy).
Use learning theory and reading on teaching and learning environment design to support your arguments - be specific. Indicated why the selected theory is useful, i.e. don't just list it.
You do not need to cite every coinceivable theory or article/chapter. Please be selective but pointed. I want to see that you have digested the material and can use it in a new situation (transfer)."
Address the implications beyond yourself and UCSC. Use 3-5 sources.